Remember: during summer, you have to adjust the fridge thermostat to cool because temperatures rise outside.
Here is a quick guide for fridge and freezer temperatures:
What is the correct temperature for a fridge:
Two different levels of temperature are available, about 5°C (41°F) or less for the shelf at the top and 1°C (34°F) at the bottom or the cooler section of the fridge.
To check the temperature in fridge, you should put the thermometer in the middle area of the shelf at the top and leave it there overnight. Take your thermometer ready in the morning and be careful not to allow in a lot of warm air.
In the upper shelf, you should store foods such as butter, yogurt or orange juice as they do not require cold temperatures.
To take care of your food at home, the cooler bottom area is where you should store vegetables, raw meat, poultry, fish or similar foods that could easily go bad without cold temperatures. Care should be taken to avoid juices from raw meat running into leftover foods.
What temperature freezer should be:
The ideal temperature for your freezer should be – 18°C (-0.4°F). A freezer symbol should also be present on every genuine freezer.
Your thermometer should be positioned upright on the top shelf’s edge or at the top basket’s front of a chest freezer, at the side where the door opens. It should only be left for a few hours before taking the reading. Note if the temperature reads higher than -18°C (-0.4°F), your food may go bad quickly if you don’t adjust the temperature lower. For any freezer temperature lower than suggested, then you would know energy is being wasted.
The door should remain locked most of the times because opening it too much allows in warm air that can quickly increase temperature. Your fridge should be maintained properly to avoid repair fridge costs.
What temperature should freezer and refrigerator be:
Most residential fridges and freezers combined into single units usually come with one control for temperature. They rarely have a thermometer included, and that makes maintaining a correct temperature not easy.
The correct temperature for the fridge should be maintained even if it means maintaining that of the freezer a little bit warmer. Fresh food spoils more quickly.
Shared fridge/freezer controls are not great for freezing. They are likely to take longer before freezing food compared to separate freezers in your household.
Get 2-control fridge/freezers that have warning lights. They indicate correct temperature for each part. You will know if electricity is on, when fast-freeze is on, or when the freezer warms.
If your refrigerator will still remain “uncool” after doing all the suggested methods then you should call a fridge service technician to conduct a more thorough check on your appliance.
The freezer technician will be able to handle the job properly. They can also provide you with necessary repair service to fix your fridge.
How to check fridge temperature without thermometer
In order to be able to measure the temperature of your refrigerator or freezer if you don’t have a fridge thermometer, you will need some skills to create one. You will find out there are many guides out there for checking the temperature of the fridge or measuring freezer temperature. Some of the tutorials available will help you create your own thermometer using readily available materials, and then you will rely on that for measuring or adjusting the temperature of refrigerators and freezers whenever you find yourself in situations that demand doing that. Most appliance repair or specifically fridge technician experts often share such knowledge. The most common improvised thermometers use liquids like water and alcohol. They are calibrated based on known temperatures either in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit to help measure specific temperature. The temperature of water, when you boil water is actually known, same as your body temperature. So once you calibrate your homemade thermometer based on that it can be used to measure temperature for your fridge and freezer. You just get approximation because many other factors may not be taken care of, but if you use alcohol can measure or check water temperature all the way even below zero. You can find videos that show how it’s done.