Step into any restaurant and you will find several gadgets, food processors with relays and motors, electrical appliances and a variety of other electrical restaurant equipment that is needed for preparation temperature, cycles and to control humidity. All these different commercial food preparation appliances and kitchen equipment will undergo some serious wear and tear, because they have to be used around the clock or for some very long hours. This is why it is important that restaurant owners and managers need to implement a plan to get their commercial restaurant and kitchen equipment maintained and serviced on a regular basis.
When you have the repairman scheduled to do the maintenance, you should schedule him to come in during the low traffic hours of your day, so that it will not interfere with providing good customer service or regular work. You also need to prepare your commercial appliances so that they are ready for the service call. There are a few things you should do before the technician arrives, so that the maintenance and repair of your restaurant oven and other appliances will be uninterrupted and will go smoothly.
Here are a few tips for your appliance repair service preparation:
- Clean your equipment
- Make a list of problems
- Clean and clear areas surrounding the equipment
- Shut down and discontinue use of equipment
- Shut off any gas and electricity connections
If you are not doing this already, you need to start, your equipment needs to be cleaned on a regular basis, do not leave it up to the technician to do the cleaning, unless it is in hard to reach areas.
You should make a list of any problems that you notice with the equipment and be as detailed as possible. With a list handy, you won’t forget to tell him about any problems.
Clean and clear out the areas surrounding the equipment that needs servicing, this way he repairman can get access to the necessary areas easily.
You should shut down and discontinue use of any equipment that is scheduled to be serviced at least 3 hours before the technician gets there, because if the appliances are too hot, the technician may not be able to do his job.
You should also shut off any gas and electricity connections before the technician arrives.
We just discussed a few important things you can do to prepare for a technician that is coming to your food service establishment to do restaurant oven repair or maintenance, which will apply to all appliances being serviced. When the service call is complete and before the technician leaves, you should test the appliance in front of them to make sure that it is running perfectly. You should also ask them about whether or not you will need to get any replacement parts in the near future.